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投稿情報 内容
2008/03/14 06:37:13

〇A bird in the hand isworth two in the bush.

〇A drowning man will catch at a straw.

〇A friend in need is afriend indeed.

〇Birds of a feather flock together.

〇First come, first served.

〇Haste makes waste.

〇Heaven heIps those who help themseIves.

〇Honesty is the best policy.

〇It is no use crying over spiIt milk.

〇It never rains but itpours.

〇Necessity is the mother of invention.

〇Never put off tiII tomorrow what you can do today.

〇Out of sight,Out of mind.

〇Practice makes perfect.

〇Rome was not built ina day.

〇Slow and steady wins the race.

〇So many men, so many minds.

〇Spare the rod and spoil the child.

〇Strike while the ironis hot.

〇Time and tide wait for no man.

〇When you are in Rome,do as the Romans do.

〇The earIy bird catches the worm.

〇There is no accounting for tastes.

〇A rolling stone gathers no moss.

〇A good medicine tastes bitter.

〇Fine feathers make fine birds.

〇Pudding rather than praise.

〇After a storm comes acalm.

〇A stitch in time saves nine.

〇Two heads are better than one.
〇Even Homer sometimes nods.

〇All's well that ends well.

〇Many drops make a shower.

〇All work and no play makes Jack a duII boy.

〇There is no royal road to learning.


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